
A friend sent me a link to an amazing documentary: A Murder of Crows (as in a group of them, not a killing), which opened my eyes to one of the planet’s most intelligent creatures. In it, researchers follow a group of crows throughout their lives to discover that they are wiser than we knew.

Among other traits, crows can recognize faces and warn each other of predators; they gather around their dead, possibly for mourning, but also to observe (and share) the cause of death and so avoid it in the future. They use tools to get food from hard to reach places, and sometimes even use tools to reach other tools which will access food. In cities, they steal wire clothes hangers from peoples balconies and use them to build intricate nests in trees or on electric posts (sometimes derailing trains and causing neighborhood blackouts).

This pendant is my ode to the wisdom and awesomeness of these magnificent birds.

Majestic Pendant.
Handmade with amethyst and recycled sterling silver.