

Who wants to become a writer? And why? Because it’s the answer to everything. ... It’s the streaming reason for living. To note, to pin down, to build up, to create, to be astonished at nothing, to cherish the oddities, to let nothing go down the drain, to make something, to make a great flower out of life, even if it’s a cactus.
— Enid Bagnold

Cacti ring.
Handmade with aventurine and recycled sterling silver.
Soon in my online shop.


Agave green is the color of my heart.

Succulent ring.
Handmade with turquoise and recycled sterling silver.
Soon in my online shop.

Concentric Series

I will add the First Concentric series to my online shop this Monday, between 1 and 2 pm, CST.

Every ring is one of a kind, and I can adjust it to fit any size between 5.5 to 11.

If you are in the States or Canada, I will mail your order after January 5.

If you are in Mexico, your purchase will arrive within 2 business days by express delivery service.


Comfortable in your own skin. 


Serpent ring.
Handmade with transparent quartz and recycled sterling silver.
This Monday in my online shop.


Behind everything there is silence. 

Void ring.
Handmade with star diopside and recycled sterling silver. 
This Monday in my online shop.


Let everything erupt inside you. Let there be chaos and destruction.

One day, you will realize that the chaos is not who you are, you are the observer.

That gap, between your thoughts and your awareness of them, will set you free. 

Impact ring.
Handmade with fossilized dinosaur bone and recycled sterling silver.
Soon in my online shop.


Life is the dancer and you are the dance.
— Eckhart Tolle

Interplay ring.
Handmade with bronzite and recycled sterling silver.
Soon in my online shop.  


If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash.
— Leonard Cohen

Crucible ring. 
Handmade with smoked quartz and recycled sterling silver.
Soon in my online shop.


Here's to the beings who decide to make a mark. With a tool in hand, and a curious heart, they make something. Thought and feeling take form. 

Alchemist ring.
Handmade with moonstone and recycled sterling silver.
Soon in my online shop.


Sweet sweet caramel moonstone.

Rapture ring.
Handmade with recycled sterling silver.
Soon in my online shop.

High Priestess

How to be happy: 

1. Get on a telemarketer's hate list.

2. When he calls you 30 times a day and hangs up as soon as you answer, save the phone number as "Spam" in your contact list and block it.

3. Blocked calls still ring twice before they are cut off. 

4. Get angry every time you receive the call.

5. Change the caller's name to "Be Happy".

6. Smile whenever he calls.  

High Priestess ring.
Handmade with steel gray moonstone and recycled sterling silver.
Soon in my online shop.

Awakened Series

I will add the Awakened series to my online shop tomorrow, Monday, between 2 and 3 pm, CST.

Shipping during the month of December slows down so much, that the last day I will mail international orders this year is this Wednesday, November 29. After that, you can still purchase from my shop, but I will mail your order after January 5th (orders within Mexico will ship regularly). 

I can cut the rings in this series to fit any size between 5.5 and 11.

All pendants include a 28" darkened sterling silver chain.

Every piece is one of a kind and I do not repeat it. Please sign up here if your want me to email you the minute I post the series to my shop. 


The past few years were hard for me. Like a game of Tetris, the foundation of my identity came tumbling down when my dad became ill and we thought we’d lose him. I had little contact with the outside world, and spent lots of time alone. I needed to process grief, uncertainty, and unhealthy beliefs and behaviors from my past.

Grief became depression. I was unable to form a sense of who I was and of how I understood the world. I had turned to a scientific and logical view for answers, but it felt arid and soulless. Depression turned into hopelessness. In my lack of connection to myself and others I lost all footing, and soon it became hard to face each day. I sought help in therapy, but it took me deeper into the unresolved pain of my childhood.

I separated from my partner, and spent the next few months alone trying to reconnect with myself. I found new forms of therapy that strengthened my body awareness rather than my thoughts. I reunited with friends and family and shared a more vulnerable side of myself. Little by little I regained joy. I cut off my hair and gave away many of my belongings. I stopped trying to understand everything and instead let my senses lead the way.

The day the earth shook I felt that my journey into the depths of my psyche was ending. I had faced it bravely and my wound had healed. When the earth shook I ran out of my apartment. The lobby floor undulated and I fell across the hallway on my knees. For the first time in years I knew I had to get out. Life was waiting.


Awakened ring.
Handmade with recycled sterling silver.
Soon in my online shop.

North Star

No one but you has the ability to find your own North Star and no one but you has the power to keep you from finding it.
— Martha Beck

North Star ring.
Handmade with recycled sterling silver.
Soon in my online shop.

*Urban Dictionary definition: 
North Star: something that is constant and dependable in an ever changing world.


not on the branch
in the air
Not in the air
in the moment
— Octavio Paz

Hummingbird ring.
Handmade with recycled sterling silver.
Soon in my online shop.


Explore the depths of your soul. 


Undercurrent ring.
Handmade with recycled sterling silver.
Soon in my online shop. 


As happy as a bug in the sun.

Supercharged ring.
Handmade with recycled sterling silver.
Soon in my online shop.

Wake up Call

That wake up call you have been hearing? Trust that it will lead you towards greater joy.

Awaken ring.
Handmade with recycled sterling silver.
Soon in my online shop.