Body of Work

Six Months of Commissions

Six months ago, I decided to try something new: I offered to make custom pieces based on my entire back catalog of unique designs. Your response ignited an exciting exchange of ideas that has given this quarantine a shared creative quality.

This is the visual result of our collaboration. Thank you for trusting me to recreate your favorite jewelry!

I now return to my workbench inspired to explore new ideas.

Commission Your Favorite Piece

You can still commission your favorite piece from any of my previous collections.

Visit the GALLERY section of my website to view over 1,000 designs (there are 7 Galleries in total).

A pendant can become a ring (or viceversa), you can choose a different gemstone, and I can make a piece smaller or larger.

Email me for prices and further details.

Atlas Series

Maps have special meaning to me. They show me where I've been, and where I've yet to explore. They are the visual layout of a place, its veins and arteries. They are also a symbol, because one cannot really trace on paper what is made of life, movement, chaos and feeling. It is the same with art

The paintings I'll be sharing this week are part of a series I began several years ago, where I use the pages of an Atlas from the 1950’s as a canvas.

Velázquez Series

On weekends I visit a park called Los Viveros de Coyoacán. At the heart is a tree nursery, surrounded by a 1.5 mile track filled with people, young and old. When I join them, I feel I enter the river of life. We all move at our own pace: some run, others hobble, a few push stollers down the gravel path. I feel exhilerated as I walk and observe those around me, we all seem so different, yet so alike in our humanity. We all know love, joy, sorrow and discovery. We all have to let go of so much during our lifetime, and we can all connect to the beauty of each moment. This is how I feel as I rejoin you here after many months of introspection. 

My life used to be all about work and productivity, my sense of worth was based on it, but much has changed this year, and today I feel blessed just to be here, with the warm Spring air on my skin, as I look at the birds through my window. I now paint, and I enjoy it immensely, but what I value most is that I feel alive. 

I hope that one day I can describe in words what I experienced this year, but for now I offer my art as a visual diary. It’s the best way I’ve found to express who I am. 

My paintings are inspired by the past; from textiles, sculptures and buildings created by ancient cultures. Like them, I am attracted to all that inhabits this earth, but more so to our experience of life, and how it translates into symbols within our subconscious.

For this series, I used antique art books as a canvas. I painted lightly over the printed image, leaving it visible enough to contrast with my drawings. The first series I will show you, was made on a book of paintings by the 17th century Spanish artist, Diego Velázquez. I named each piece with the title of his original painting. There are more to come.

Paintings from top to bottom, left to right:
Philip IV as a Hunter; Master of the Hunt; The Forge of Vulcan; Portrait of a Man; Portrait of Philip IV; Christ in the House of Martha; The Triumph of Bacchus.

All are 12” by 9.25” (30.5 cm by 23.5 cm).
Acrylic on paper, 2019.

Shop Updates

I’ve just added new jewelry to my online shop.

All of these items are one of a kind, and many were part of my personal collection. I’ve decided to let them go to open the space to new ideas.

I've added detailed sizes and measurements to each listing. Please make sure a piece fits you before you make your purchase.

Have an inspiring weekend!

Art Clay Exhibit

I was invited by Art Clay Silver to design jewelry pieces for this year's Abierto Mexicano de Diseño, an international design festival that promotes Mexican designers and artists. The event will take place in October in several historic buildings in downtown Mexico City. 

Art Clay is a maleable medium that lets me turn my drawings into three dimensions. I'll be working on my proposals all week. I hope I can show you previews!

7 Years of Jewelry

I created my first jewelry collection seven years ago this month. Since then, I have designed and hand-built over 1,500 one-of-a-kind jewelry pieces. 

I still consider myself a beginner.

These are some of my favorite pieces from the past seven years.
Most of them have sold, and I do not repeat them.
You can see what is available in my online shop.