
Creature 7

I never know when a series will end. If the drawings I've made stir my imagination, I continue to explore them. If a new idea beckons me, I change path. This is also how I live life.

Creature ring 7.
Handmade with chalcedony and recycled sterling silver. 
Soon in my online shop.

Creature 6

Some creatures more complex than others. 

Creature ring 6.
Handmade with kyanite and recycled sterling silver.
Soon in my online shop.

Creature 5

If this ring were an insect, it would be called a Moon Beetle.

Creature Ring 5.
Handmade with labradorite moonstone and recycled sterling silver.
Soon in my online shop.

Creature 4

The ground we walk on, the plants and creatures, the clouds above constantly dissolving into new formations - each gift of nature possessing its own radiant energy, bound together by cosmic harmony.
— Ruth Bernhard

Creature ring 4.
Handmade with amethyst and recycled sterling silver.
Soon in my online shop.

Creature 3

The child’s mind is not the type of mind we adults possess. If we call our type of mind the conscious type, that of the child is an unconscious mind. Now an unconscious mind does not mean an inferior mind. An unconscious mind can be full of intelligence. One will find this type of intelligence in every being, and every insect has it.
— Maria Montessori

Creature ring 3.
Handmade with carnelian and recycled sterling silver.
Soon in my online shop.

Creature 2

For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.
— Carl Sagan

Creature ring 2.
Handmade with Chiapas amber and recycled sterling silver.
Soon in my online shop.


Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.
— Albert Einstein

Creature ring.
Handmade with kyanite and recycled sterling silver. 
Soon in my online shop.

Third Combine Ring

Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.
— Roald Dahl

Third Combine ring.
Handmade with recycled sterling silver.
This Thursday in my online shop.

Second Combine Ring

The puzzle of our life changes every day.

Second Combine ring.
Handmade with recycled sterling silver.
Soon in my online shop.

First Combine Ring

Create your world from scratch.

First Combine ring.
Handmade with recycled sterling silver.
Soon in my online shop.

Cat Series

I will add the Cat Series to my online shop tomorrow, Wednesday, between 1 and 2 pm, CST.

I can cut these rings to fit any size between 5.5 and 10.5. Please specify your size when you make your purchase. If you need help with this, here are some simple instructions

Sign up here if you want me to email you the minute the series is available.

Cat Ring 6

Now that the this Cat series is complete, I realize that as I created each piece, I invoked the furry feline that I want as a companion. 

Cat ring 6.
Handmade with recycled sterling silver.
This Wednesday in my online shop.

Cat Ring 5

The smallest feline is a masterpiece.
— Leonardo Da Vinci

Cat ring 5. 
Handmade with recycled sterling silver.
Next week in my online shop.

Cat Ring 4

Cat power!

Cat ring 4.
Handmade with recycled sterling silver.
Soon in my online shop.

Cat Ring 3

Whenever you notice something about yourself that makes you different from others, own it. Love it. It will make you more you, and the whole point of being here is to be fully You.

Cat ring 3.
Handmade with recycled sterling silver.
Soon in my online shop.

Cat Ring 2

Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.
— Dr. Seuss

Cat ring 2.
Handmade with recycled sterling silver. 
Soon in my online shop.

Cat Ring

Today I met a cat. Her name is (temporarily) Oreo. She was found in my old neighborhood, and was left at small veterinary hospital where I saw her. Her fur is long and black, and she has white paws, tummy, and face marks (similar to the ones on my hands). I didn't take her home right away because it felt impulsive, but I may go back tomorrow...

Cat ring.
Handmade with recycled sterling silver.
Soon in my online shop.